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2011 Egyptian revolution

Written By Top Article Top News on Feb 27, 2011 | 1:56 AM

The 2011 Egyptian revolution (Arabic: ثورة 25 يناير‎ thawrah 25 yanāyir, Revolution of 25 January) took place following a popular uprising that began on 25 January 2011 which featured a series of demonstrations, marches, acts of civil disobedience, labour strikes, and violent clashes between protestors and security services and supporters of the regime of Hosni Mubarak. Protests took place in Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities in Egypt, following similar events in Tunisia that saw the overthrow of the long time Tunisian president. Millions of protesters from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and religions demanded the overthrow of the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. On 11 February, Mubarak resigned from office following weeks of determined popular protest and pressure.

Grievances of Egyptian protesters focused on legal and political issues including police brutality, state of emergency laws, lack of free elections and freedom of speech, and uncontrollable corruption, as well as economic issues including high unemployment, food price inflation, and low minimum wages. The primary demands from protest organizers are the end of the Hosni Mubarak regime, the end of Emergency Law (martial law), freedom, justice, a responsive non-military government, and management of Egypt's resources. Labour unions were said to play an integral part in the protests.

As of 16 February, at least 365 deaths had been reported, and those injured number in the thousands. The capital city of Cairo was described as "a war zone," and the port city of Suez has been the scene of frequent violent clashes. The government imposed a curfew that protesters defied and that the police and military did not enforce. The presence of Egypt's Central Security Forces police, loyal to Mubarak, was gradually replaced by largely restrained military troops. In the absence of police, there was looting by gangs that opposition sources said were instigated by plainclothes police officers. In response, civilians self-organised watch groups to protect neighbourhoods.

International response to the protests was initially mixed, though most have called for some sort of peaceful protests on both sides and moves toward reform. Mostly Western governments also expressed concern for the situation. Many governments issued travel advisories and began making attempts at evacuating their citizens from the country. The Egyptian Revolution, along with Tunisian events, has influenced demonstrations in other Arab countries including Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan and Libya.

Mubarak dissolved his government and appointed military figure and former head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate Omar Suleiman as Vice-President in an attempt to quell dissent. Mubarak asked aviation minister and former chief of Egypt's Air Force, Ahmed Shafik, to form a new government. Mohamed ElBaradei became a major figure of the opposition, with all major opposition groups supporting his role as a negotiator for some form of transitional unity government. In response to mounting pressure Mubarak announced he would not seek re-election in September.

On 11 February, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that Mubarak would be stepping down as president and turning power over to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The junta, headed by effective head of state Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, announced on 13 February that the constitution would be suspended, both houses of parliament dissolved, and that the military would rule for six months until elections could be held. The prior cabinet, including Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik, would continue to serve as a caretaker government until a new one is formed. [From Wikipedia]

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