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5 Secrets of Egypt's Revolution

Written By Top Article Top News on Feb 28, 2011 | 6:42 AM

Large demonstrations that led to the fall of Hosni Mubarak (11 / 2) was then known as the Egyptian Revolution. Action for 18 days from January 25 it is also called the Revolution January 25. But not many kaumslimin who know the secrets behind the revolution and the next step. These are the five secrets of the Egyptian revolution:

Egyptian Revolution Driven Youth
Like a number of revolutions in various parts of the world, the Egyptian revolution was also fueled by the youth. It is they who have the spirit of change at once the courage to speak out. Although the older generation also miss a change, but they really take into account risks to shout "tear down the Mubarak regime." While the youth of Egypt-as other youth-not too concerned with risk, although it is death.

Egyptian Revolution at the beginning Only Demands Home Minister resigns

Perhaps like the 1998 reform in Indonesia, which initially did not dare to demand Suharto's resignation, the Egyptian revolution on January 25 the first major action was also not called for Mubarak step down. It was prepared by simply lowering the Minister of Interior, dragged him to court and mendendanya 1200 Junaih as the minimum wage. This is related to the prevalence of poverty in Egypt and the low wage labor.

Egyptian Revolution is Working Together All Elements
"The people united can not be defeated." Adage is to find the truth back in Egypt. All elements of youth and the people shoulder to shoulder, united under the same mission: change. Tahrir Square to witness the unity of all elements: the Brotherhood, Muslims, leftists to Christians. So the Egyptian revolution not just work like Brett diopinikan some people. Although the youth involved massive Brothers, among others by becoming a safety perimeter of action and the establishment of field hospitals, youth revolution Brett himself admits is working together. Opinion Brett as the mover of the revolution might arise because some of the photos published in the world to show the colors of the Islamic revolution. As jama'ah prayer on the field ut-Tahrir and so forth.

Mubarak is the hardest phase of the decline, but New Beginnings
Lowering President Mubarak is the most difficult phase but it is just the beginning and not the last. That's what the youth lighter Egyptian Revolution. Why is that? Because the youth were aware of the decline Mubarak is not everything. With the fall of the dictator who has ruled Egypt for 30 years does not mean the problem is completed. After this there may be a democracy, freedom of opinion and freedom of association. But the bureaucratic octopus is still moving with the character of the old regime. It is feared that too along with it comes a new problem: democracy is not effective and poverty that are not resolved. Then come back to the longing in an authoritarian figure.

More than that, the young pioneers of the revolution also feel a greater responsibility to transform Egypt into a better, more berjati themselves, and therefore must play a role in the freedom of fellow Muslim country.

Egyptian Revolution Means Being Palestinian Liberation
These are the ideals of youth revolution lighter. Mahir Ahmad, spokesman for the youth revolution of states, it is impossible to ignore the Palestinian issue in the demands of the revolution. Egypt must re-take a role in Palestine. And it must begin with the release of the blockade of Gaza as Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi calls. He mentioned that the nation terblokade in Gaza is the Mubarak regime's tyranny, and now come to end that tyranny.[Snc/BD]

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